Wednesday, November 08, 2006


We just had our first visitor from Japan, just now. That's a long way. Can you see that red dot on the map?


you're sure of a big surprise! Well, on Tuesday we did.

This is what it looks like already. The red thing at the front of the picture is the bottomof the crane.
This is what it is like standing in the middle in the atrium (that's a fancy word for the space in the middle where the sun comes in the top) looking up where the rooflight will be. You will be able to see the sky. The big thing sticking up with 'Waycon' written on it is the lift shaft and the orange coloured bits that go around all the edges are the 'edge protection' to stop people falling off while it is being built. Can you see us in the picture?

This is the view out of the front door from the position of the new reception desk.

Earlier we asked what on earth had happened to the park, well this is what. It's the drilling rig that is making holes that go down into the ground over 100m (that's a long way), there are 23 holes needed (we think), that's 2.3kilometres of hole, that's nearly one and a half miles!!! If you go to the park in the next few days you can see the drilling, if you're lucky you might see the big fountain of water, as high as a house, take your umbrella.

Later they will put pipes down the holes and get heat out of the ground to heat the school. We told you about how it all works before, use the 'search box' in the navigation bar at the top of the BLOG to look for 'monster machines' to find out more. After visiting the site and the park we went to the junior school to a meeting with Evelyn and Lynne so that Kath (the model making wiz from before) could talk about the layouts for all the furniture and the colours for the carpets and the walls and things.

Perhaps some of you have ideas how the new school should could draw your class. What colour would it be, what would it have in it? What other ideas do you have? We'd love to see what you think and may be we can put some on the BLOG.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Cool Kids...
We have found this really cool website...we thought we'd share it with you. It's cool becasue Sarah who made the website is from Rotherham (well it's near Sheffield), and because she was less than 13 years old when she went to Victoria in Canada for a conference about the environment, WOW. you can go to the 'tree calculator' and work out how many trees you need to plant to repair your pollution damage.

If you are taken to school in a car just 2 miles each way then that needs 1 tree. Our flight to Denmark (approx 600 miles) needs another tree. It's a good job we didn't go on a summer holiday...just 5000 miles on a plane would have meant another 5 trees!!! Soon we'll need our own forest! all the space will fill up with trees...?

The 'Cool Kids For A Cool Climate' project was
set up by Sarah Bowler, a member of
Wildlife Watch in
the UK.

The idea came about when she was working on the Junior Board of the UNEP International Children’s Conference on the Environment held in Victoria, Canada in May 2002. The Junior Board were very concerned to make sure the conference had as little impact on the environment as possible. Sarah realised that the flights of all the
delegates coming to Victoria from all over the world created a lot of greenhouse gases. The worldwide forest began when Sarah set up a pledge system so that
delegates could promise to plant trees at home to make up for the CO2 emitted by their flights to Canada.
Sarah took this idea home and started a partnership
with South Yorkshire Forest so that travellers from all over South Yorkshire/Britain/the World could have the opportunity to plant trees to offset the pollution caused by their travel.

The launch of Cool Kids For A Cool Climate took place on 20th November 2002 at Greenland Nursery & Infants School, Sheffield, UK.

Sarah has lots of useful information about the environment and climate change and what you can do to help. Have a look. NOW.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

(now demolished)

The old school...children have been moved to the Junior school a short walk away for the duration of the construction of the new school.
The nursery playground

The Infant playground
