Monday, July 27, 2009

We've been recorded!

Cath & Lynne did most of the talking, we were a bit shy, but there were some photos taken of us, so hopefully when those are e-mailed through we'll get them on here so you can see the studio.

The interview will be edited and used in the programme going out 12-1pm on Thursday 30th July and again at tea time (5.00pm), you can also listen online.

Check out the link below to find out more about Sheffield Live 93.2fm , Sheffield Community Radio, the real voice of Sheffield people.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

We've been asked by Nicola at Sheffield Live (have you listened to them on your radio at home?) to go and talk to her about sustainability (green/eco things), sharrow school and education. It is a recorded interview so we're not sure when it will go out on 'air' (broadcast so you can hear it), but we'll let you all know.

It is for their Communities Live programme that goes out 12-1pm.
